Friday, December 3, 2010

Counting Down

I am counting down the weeks until we get to meet our baby boy. I am getting really anxious and these brax-hicks contractions are no joke. I can just imagine what the real labor is going to be like. It is so exciting that there are so many women getting pregnant. Lots of them are like us with step-kids or they have older children (10-15 year old range). I'm sure with X-mas around the corner the time is going to fly by.
I'll be having my baby shower next weekend. I can not wait to see all my friends and family and eat yummy food (like I can eat alot). I feel very blessed as everyone is so excited for us to be having a baby. They all know how much I adore children and I have always wanted to have at least one baby. Sometimes I still can't believe it. Even though I have a little person inside of me kicking, punching, moving around, it still doesn't seem real to me. I know once I see his cute, chubby cheeked face it will be so real, but until then, I'm just enjoying the moment of being pregnant. Who knows if this will ever happen again for me.
We are in the home stretch, appointments are every other week until the first week in January, then every week thereafter. I get to have another U/S due to there being some extra fluid detected around the babies right kidney. The dr didn't seem to concerned with it, and said it should fix itself by the time I go in for my U/S in 2 weeks.
Anxious, Nervous and Excited is how I am feeling about all this.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Are you serious?

We had a nice weekend. SD was a little bit moody with us on Friday. Seems to be testing the waters a little, when I called her from her room, instead of sayin "I'll be right there", or "yes", I got a "What". Not once but twice. Was a little taken aback by that. Let's see how she acts with her mom this weekend and she called yesterday was something very important she had to tell SD. At least she had her dates and times of when she wanted SD for the holidays this year. Makes it so much easier on us when planning our time.
Do you want to know what was so important that BM tell SD? I thought that maybe it would be a trip or an opportunity that was coming up. But NO. She called to tell SD that she is pregnant, again, after only having taken at home tests and not having gone to the doctor to find out how far along she is, she is not out of the first trimester. It was Sunday that she called, so I know she had just found out, otherwise she would have called her sooner after she had her doctor appt on Friday. I congratulated her, and I am happy for her, but I do know that she did this on purpose. SD will have 2 siblings that will be months apart. I am due in February and her BM will be due in June/July. I felt like she rained on my parade a little by stealing my thunder with SD. We had also told SD that she could be in the room when baby was being born. Well, her BM decided to tell her that she could be in the room with her this time and SD got so excited. My sister happened to be there and SD yells to her, "You can go ahead and be in the room, I'll be in the room with my mom." Like it was no big deal. I was a little crushed to say the least. Not sure if I should feel like that or not, but I did/do. I shared with her how she made me felt and she did not apologize. She really didn't see anything wrong with her.
I let her know that I was excited for her, but not to forget about herself in this situation. At BM house she does not have her own room and belongings, she shares with her 3 year old brother and now with another on the way, things will be even more cramped. Oh well. I just hope her mom has a healthy pregnancy. I know she will be taking all kinds of precautions as the 3 yr old is also autistic. We will see how challenging things get for them.

Friday, October 8, 2010

It's been a long time....

since I last posted. Things have been super busy in our household. SD is growing and continually changing into a young lady. We have been drama free for a while now, but that's because BM only calls about once a week. Last time she picked up SD was for Labor Day weekend, the beginning of September. She is trying to come pick her up some time this month, but I doubt it. She has only been picking her up on holiday weekends.
I too am continually changing, my boobs have grown 2 cup sizes and my belly has grown like I am ready to have this baby, but I have 18 weeks to go still. We are having a boy!!! I got my registry at Target completed, just wondering if I should do it anywhere else? Maybe. I have my spurts of energy but not as often as feeling tired though. I can not wait for this little guy to get here so we can meet him. I can feel him moving around and it is all just surreal. It wasn't supposed to happen, but it did and I am forever grateful that I get to experience this.
We have got some major cleaning to do at home, I just hope I have the energy to do some of it this weekend.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

2 days in a row

Tomorrow I will be 12 weeks pregnant, woohoo! I don't know why. but I had/have this anxiety of having a miscarriage. I've had no bleeding, and just some growing pains. I'm taking a vacation day tomorrow, so today is my "Friday" at work. I wish I was doing something fun in the morning, but I get to have a 3 hour glucose test done at the lab, so fun. The late afternoon will prove to be good (I hope), SD comes home from camp. I can't believe school starts in 2 weeks, oh my. We will have to get some school shopping done in the next week. The trips have to be short in duration, my legs start to hurt really bad if I am standing for too long or walking too much.
I hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Long time....

It was a pretty quiet summer as SD was with her mom the day after school let out. We talked to her about 3 times the entire summer. Poor thing, she got promised so much between April & May. The plans constantly changed and ended up not being a whole lot. She was first told they were taking a "BIG" family trip. SD wanted to go to Legoland, that was nixed too far. BM suggested Disn.eyland, SD got excited about that possibility, then that was nixed. Also a long drive for them (her brother, who is 3 has au.tism, car ride would have been about 8 hours). Then another plan came about to go camping in Oregon for a week, SD thought that would be awesome, it didn't happen either. Something about no spots being available, only the week she was scheduled for camp. Then BM suggested that they would do a mother-daughter thing, which I was all for. Maybe they could go to a spa and get massages, mani/pedi, out to dinner, trip to San Franci.sco. Didn't happen. Can you imagine putting an 11 yr old through this. If you are not sure what is going to happen, do not tell the child. They did end up going to Great and she did have fun there.
I had to pick her up closer to her BM's (last Thursday)or else we weren't going to be getting in SD in time, it was a 2.5 hr drive for me. SD was a hot mess when I saw her, her was all matted and wearing jeans and too tight white shirt with flip flops. Come on now, it's mid to high 90's, why is BM wearing a summer dress, while SD is looking like she lives by the beach. SD likes to talk, she talked for an hour straight and all she talked about was all the video gaming she did while at her mom's, come on now. No kind of educational stimulation all summer, we are in for some trouble when school starts in 2 1/2 weeks. This child needs to be kept reading and reviewing her multipl.ication & or else she forgets. For peets sake, they live right next door to a public library, why couldn't she go there for activities and read books.
SD is currently at camp this week, I dropped her off on Sunday afternoon and will pick her up Friday afternoon. Her BM wants her back next week, but her dad would like to spend a little time with her before school starts. They got to go water rafting last Friday & they had a blast together (I'm too chicken to go).
I also waiting for BF to tell SD that we are having a baby. He had her go and get my orientation paperwork from the medical group. She read one of the pages about preparing for a healthy pre.gnancy. She read it a few times and she finally got it. I of course got all emotional, she looked at me with shock in her eyes (a good shock). SD tells me, "but I thought you were sick and it couldn't happen." I told her, "me too, but it happened." She is excited about it though, but one of her first questions was, where is the baby going to go. If you have not moved to be a bigger place by the time the baby comes around, the baby will be in our room, but we are hoping to find something we can afford soon. It would be nice before the baby gets here.
My m/s is finally subsiding and next week I have an NT scan scheduled, hoping everything is okay. My clothes already don't fit me and my big shirts not ride up my belly. OMG, I am going to get big, and I am not even eating all that much, I eat about the same as before to be honest. I'll be 12 weeks on Friday. I'll try to write more often, for myself more than anything.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

We're having a baby....

We have yet to tell the SD or BM. I'm pretty sure SD will be over the moon excited, not sure about BM, she kind of wanted another one (she has a 3 yr old boy). It's pretty easy to conceal this from SD since she is spending the summer with her momma. We won't see her until the end of July (maybe sooner if we can plan a trip up there). I know I've been silent, but our life has not been drama free to say the least. Luckily I document everything on a calendar, so I can go back and remember what happened.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

All is quiet...

My lack of posting has been due to the fact that SD is still with her mama. She should be home on Saturday, if BM doesn't call and ask to bring her on Sunday.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas spent with friends & family making wonderful memories and that the New Year brings you nothing but joy.